Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Hello, its Wednesday and I am trying to get in the habit of writing this so that when I have something interesting to say I will remember to. I am currently reading A Farewell To Arms by Hemingway so I'm going to try and write like him. Last night we played a show and it was fun and the girls were pretty. The music was good and well received. The stage lights were interesting. I am terrible at writing like Hemingway I just sound illiterate. Today I had a job interview at the company I currently work at, which was fun but weird because I knew all my interviewers. It went well but since everyone applying also works there I imagine all the interviews went well. After work I biked and shopped for thing for tour and then watched One Tree Hill, handle it.

Enough about the routine it bores me. At one point in the day something reminded me vividly of my time in London and I found myself, as I often do, wishing so badly to be back there, to be back on the road. We leave for tour Friday, which should be fun, but it has obligations and is in my own country. I miss the freedom of the foreign roads. No plans or even knowledge of the sites. Just wandering aimlessly and taking life as it comes. Oh well, I'm working hard so that one day I get paid to travel like that. Ok enough of this no one cares I should probably just keep a journal....

There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed. ~ Ernest Hemingway

Monday, August 27, 2012

What is thisss

This is my first blog thing. I got the idea from Kile. I'm going to attempt to not sound like an idiot. I want to post some stuff about myself and also some of my favorite quotes/poems. I'm going on tour soon and then I'm going to Dallas to visit my friend Brennan. Right now I'm about to meet Jordan to finish planning for tour, work on press contacts, finalize our album release show, and book out of town shows for the weekends in October. More later when I have pictures and things to say.

And if unfit for tomb or hearse our legend be, it will be fit for verse ~ John Donne